Children are humanity’s greatest assets and a joy forever to their parents. However, if this joy is to be forever, it is essential that parents spend some quality time with their children. We, at Bhavan’s R.K. Sarda Vidya Mandir, believe that children can develop to their fullest potential when the troika of parents, teachers and school act on them in unison, seamlessly and in perfect harmony, supplementing each other. The role of parents is all the more important because ours being a day school, children, on an average, spend about 16 hours in the company of either of their parents. It therefore becomes imminent that parents, teachers and the school are on the same wavelength. The only goal is to inculcate values, morals, ethics and a positive mental attitude in the child we are entrusted with. We expect every parent whose child is a student of our school to adhere to the following guidelines:
(i) The Bhavan is a movement for resuscitation of ethical and spiritual values, and hence every child and parent must undertake to accept the ideals of Bhavan and endeavour to promote them. It is in this context that the school doesn’t allow non-vegetarian food (eggs included) inside its premises.
(ii) Parents are requested to cooperate with the school in its effort to help their wards’ progress by paying attention to their regularity, punctuality, discipline and ethics. Latecomers will not be allowed entry into the school and parents must not approach the authorities with requests to let their child in. Further, Mehendi, fancy haircuts and nail polish are strictly prohibited and could attract disciplinary action.
(iii) We are a day school and children are expected to carry homemade breakfast and lunch. The school doesn’t allow any sort of junk food like magi inside the campus, except Saturdays.
(iv) Parents are required to note that the school doesn’t have any system of concession in fees.
(v) The Principal/Headmistress will be pleased to meet the parents between 10:00 am and 11:00 am on any working day. A prior appointment will be appreciated through info@bvbraipur.org or through any of the school telephone numbers (0771-6619701/02/03).
1 3 Nos. Coloured Passport Size Photograph
2 Immunization Record Copy (Attested by parent)
3 Birth Certificate Copy (attested by parent)
4 Copy Income Proof Certificate (ASSESSMENT YEAR 2021-22)
5 Caste Certificate (if applicable)
6 Aadhaar Card Photocopy (Only of the Child)
7 Bank details (Only of the Child)
8 Medical Fitness Certificate (Original)
1 3 Nos. Coloured Passport Size PhotographM
2 Current Class Mark sheet Copy (Attested by parent)
3 Copy of Income Proof Certificate (ASSESSMENT YEAR 2021-22 self attested by Parent)
4 Caste Certificate (if applicable)
5 School Leaving Certificate (Original)
6 Aadhaar Card Photocopy (Only of the Child)
7 Copy of Bank details (Only of the Child)
8 Medical Fitness Certificate (Original)