Objectives & Action Plans

Know Our Best Education

For Classes VI to VIII

A - Values


Strategies to be Adopted / Organized

Evidence of Achievement

To inculcate respect among students.

1. Recapitulation through meditation.
2. Sharing of responsibility (monitoring self-discipline during movement)
3. Appreciation for honesty.

1. Easy acceptance of deficiencies and mistakes.
2. Less complaint about class mates / others.

To develop humanity in there interaction with peers and teachers.

1. Demonstrate or to teach the importance of humanity through story.
2. Role play.

1. Interaction / adjustment among senior and juniors in the bus, movement.
2. Words of apologies and appreciation.

To develop gratitude.

1. To list out a set of school situation where gratitude is shown expressively.

1. Thank you cards / appreciation cards.
2. Noticeable change in the way of speaking; tone and words they used.

B - Physical Skills


Strategies to be Adopted / Organized

Evidence of Achievement

To develop a habit of regular enuresis for physical fitness and to avoid mental stress.

1. Conducting regular morning P.T. / Yoga and other games.
2. Make them to play conch.
3. 100% attendance.

1. Less care in infirmary / abs for to 2 medical cares.
2. Showing activeness during other activities.

To achieve excellence in games at later stage.

1. Organize regular games and occasional competitions.

1. Success rate in different level.
2. Improved performance in individual level.

To develop team spirit, sportsmanship.

1. Arranging GroupWise / intra school competitions.

1. Handling failures and success in team games / group activities.

To make them to choose a games as a career.

1. Occasional motivation by some sports persons.

1. From intra / inter school competitions.

C - Intellectual Skills


Strategies to be Adopted / Organized

Evidence of Achievement

To develop observational skill.

1. To organize activities such as memory game, brain tickles, pictures inter pretation.

1. Specific improvement in the activities includes observational skill.

To develop public speaking skill.

1. To conduct assembly in a structured format, evaluate and give feedback.
2. Self-talk in home Pd.
3. To conduct group discussion.

1. Improvement in assembly activities.

To develop creative thinking + writing.

1. By organizing art and craft activities.
2. By putting till boards of thought provoking words.
3. To develop creative writing by picture inters pretation, diary writing, story writing, SUPW Work.

1. Seeking less guidance for creative work.

To create awareness among children about Indian classical, visual and performing arts.

1. To create awareness among children about eminent personality of classical concern.
2. Spic Macey.

1. Level of performance and inclination to choose Indian culture as theme in writing and speaking (sharpness in their work)

D - Life Skills


Strategies to be Adopted / Organized

Evidence of Achievement

To develop self-awareness of students.

1. By meditation.

1. Watching the behavior, way of speaking, conversation, tone, kind of words, body language.

To develop decision making skill.

1. Sharing power of decision making with the students.
2. Puzzles.
3. Conflict resolution.

1. Tackling classroom problems through leadership.
2. Analyzing the decision for themselves and the appreciation by others.

To develop critical thinking.

1. News analysis.

1. Way of comprehending answers.

To develop problem solving skill.

1. Puzzles.
2. Picture interpretation.

1. Improvement in performance in assessment / task in problem solving skill.

Managing adolescence. (Positive thinking towards opposite sex)

1. Counseling

1. Behavioral change towards other sex.

To develop empathy.

1. Visit to hospital, orphanage, Old age homes.

1. Remarkable change in their behavior towards.

Dealing with Stress.

1. Counseling, meditation, recreation.

1. Active participation in different areas.