v Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan's R. K. Sarda Vidya Mandir, Raipur Chattisgarh

Outdoor Games Facilities

Know Our Best Education

The school has the best outdoor games facilities in the city. We are equipped with 2 synthetic tennis courts, which were dedicated to the school by Ace tennis player and Padmashree Leander Paes. Also available is 1 synthetic basketball court and 1 synthetic volleyball court. All the synthetic courts are of international standards. Besides these, the school also has a football ground, 2 indoor badminton courts and a cricket ground, which is getting ready.

It's our belief that a Healthy mind exists in a Healthy body. The curriculum is so designed that every child gets exposure to tennis, basketball and badminton up to class 5. In addition, children do Yoga, Aerobics and P. T alternatively in the morning every day for 20 minutes.