v Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan's R. K. Sarda Vidya Mandir, Raipur Chattisgarh

Minimum Levels of Learning

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For Class III


By the end of Class III the students will be able:

  • To read the given text (simple story / passage) without help.
  • To express their thoughts and feelings freely in their own way.
  • To write a few sentences of their own about a given picture (Cow, train, car, elephant, Diwali, etc).
  • To comprehend a simple text ( Poem/ passage/ story )
  • They will have the basic knowledge of Parts of Speech.
  1. Nouns:- Recognize naming words - Person, place, things.
  2. Pronouns:- Replace nouns with appropriate personal pronouns (he, she, it, and they).
  3. Adjectives:- Use suitable describing word for a noun (Person/place/thing) (tall girl).
  4. Articles:- 'a' before consonant sounding words, 'an' before vowel sounding words and 'the 'before some specific nouns.
  5. Verb:- Doing (I am writing).
  6. Tense:- Simple Past, Simple present, Simple Future.
  7. Adverb:- Manner (neatly, sweetly); Place (outside, inside); Time (now, yesterday).
  8. Preposition:- Place ( in, on, under, near); Time (at, in, on, before after)Movement ( into , upon, over).
  9. Conjunction:- Use of 'and' & 'but' to join sentences.
  10. Arrange the words into sentence with Capital Letter and Full Stop. Rewrite the given sentence as Negative / Interrogative. Separate the Subject & Predicate of the given sentence.


सत्र के अंत तक बच्चे की सीखने की न्यूनतम क्षमता निम्नांकित होनी चाहिए-

  1. बच्चा किसी भी साधारण सी कहानी या अपठित गद्यांश या किसी भी अवतरण को पढ़कर उसका अर्थ समझ सके। छोटे-छोटे शब्दों को सही उच्चारण के साथ पढ़ सके।
  2. सही रूप से एक-दूसरे के साथ वार्तालाप कर सके। सरल शब्दों को श्रुत लेख के माध्यम से सुनकर सही लिख सके। बच्चा अपने मन की भावना को सही रूप से दूसरों को समझा सके।
  3. छोटे छोटे शब्दों का प्रयोग कर दिए गए चित्र के विषय में सरल शब्दों में कुछ वाक्य लिख सके।
  4. संज्ञा- संज्ञा की पहचान व्यक्ति, वस्तु, स्थान आदि एवं उनके प्रकार व्यक्तिवाचक, जातिवाचक, भाववाचक, समूहवाचक, द्रव्यवाचक।
  5. लिंग- लिंग क्या है पुल्लिंग एवं स्त्रीलिंग शब्दों की पहचान कर सके।
  6. वचन- एकवचन, बहुवचन की पहचान एवं वचन परिवर्तन।
  7. सर्वनाम- संज्ञा के स्थान पर सर्वनाम का प्रयोग।
  8. विशेषण- विशेषण की पहचान एवं उसका प्रयोग।
  9. क्रिया- सकर्मक क्रिया एवं अकर्मक क्रिया।
  10. काल- वर्तमान काल, भूतकाल एवं भविष्यत् काल का प्रयोग।
  11. क्रिया विशेषण- क्रिया विशेषण की पहचान।
  12. संबंधबोधक- संबंधबोधक अव्यय क्या है।
  13. समुच्चयबोधक- समुच्चयबोधक अव्यय का प्रयोग।
  14. विस्मयादिबोधक- विस्मयादिबोधक षब्दों की पहचान एवं उनका प्रयोग।
  15. विलोम शब्द, पर्यायवाची शब्द, अनेक शब्दों के लिए एक शब्द।
  16. पत्र एवं निबंध लेखन- औपचारिक एवं अनौपचारिक पत्र लेखन एवं सरल विषय पर निबंध लेखन कर सके।


  1. Understanding Whole Numbers and Numerals:
    • Recognizes and writes numerals from 100 to 1000.
    • Write numbers names from 1-100.
    • Demonstrates understanding of place value of 3-digit numbers.
    • States the place value of the digits within a 3-digit numerals.
    • Arranges numbers in ascending & descending order.
    • Identifies the numerals before, after & between numerals.
    • Compares numbers from 100-1,000 using the signs > , < , =.
    • Understanding of even and odd numbers.
  2. Ability to Add, Subtract, Multiply and Divide Whole Numbers:
    • Adds two or three 3-digit numbers with carrying.
    • Subtracts 3-digit numbers with borrowing.
    • Adds & Subtracts mentally two numbers that are whole 100's.
    • Solve one step of daily life problems mentally involving addition subtraction(no carrying/borrowing).
    • Adds & Subtracts numbers by writing them vertically with / without regrouping.
    • Solves addition and subtraction daily life problems in different situation.
    • Demonstrates understanding of multiplication as repeated addition.
    • Construct multiplication tables up to 10.
    • Multiplies 2 and 3 digit numbers with single digits with carrying and product.
    • Demonstrates understanding of the concept of division as repeated subtraction.
    • Solves daily life problems mentally involving any 2 of the 4 basic operations. (No carrying / borrowing or remainder is involved)
    • Solves simple problems involving unitary method.
  3. Ability to use and solve simple problems of daily life relating to Units of -
    • Money:
      • Uses real or toy money in currency and coins in examples of 1-step daily transactions.
      • Solves simple money problems using either addition or subtraction without conversion.
      • Solves mentally daily life a problem involving rupees / paise in multiplies.
    • Length:
      • Demonstrates understanding of relationship between metres and centimetres.
      • Adds two lengths of metres and centimeters without conversion.
      • Finds the difference between two lengths of metres and centimeters without conversion.
      • Estimates lengths of familiars objects and short distances.
    • Weight (Mass):
      • Understands the relationship between the standard units of mass.
      • Identifies the different block measures of mass.
      • Add & subtracts the mass of objects.
    • Capacity:
      • Understands the relationships between standard units of measuring capacity.
      • Add & subtract the quantities of liquids without conversion.
      • Estimates small units of capacity in terms of non-standard measures.
    • Area:
      • Calculates surface area of rectangular regions using non-standard units.
      • Estimates small units of areas in terms of square and rectangular objects using non-standard units.
    • Time:
      • Reads clocks by hour, ½ hour, ¼ hour, 5 minute intervals.
      • Add hours and minutes without conversion.
      • Interprets a calendar.
  4. Ability to use Fractions:
    • Demonstrates orally understanding of fractions as parts of regions.
    • Demonstrates understanding of the meaning of proper fractional numbers as parts of regions with the numerator and denominator.
  5. Understanding of Geometrical Shapes and Spatial Relationships:
    • Recognizes and classifies various solids in the environment with their geometrical names.
    • Creates shapes through paper folding, paper cutting.
    • Identifies & describes the various 2-D shapes by counting their sides, corners and diagonals.
    • States properties of triangle, rectangle and square.
    • Draws some 3-D objects.

By the end of class III, the child will be able to co-relate addition and subtraction with everyday life. He/she will understand and will be efficient in standard algorithm of Multiplication and Division and co-relate division with multiplication. He/she will appreciate the need for the standard units of measurement and will develop understanding of space and time in everyday life.

Environmental Studies

The minimum learning level of the child at the end of the session are expected to be the following-

  1. Plants (Chapters-2 & 24)
    1. Classify the leaves on the basis of their shape and type of margin.
    2. Name some leaves which have strong smell (aroma).
    3. Name some common household articles which have patterns of leaves and flowers.
    4. Recognize the interdependence of plants, animals and man.
    5. Develop a caring attitude towards animals.
  2. Animals (Chapters-1,8 & 19)
    1. Classify some common animals on the basis of their place of living (land, water or air/tree).
    2. Classify some common animals on the basis of their and type of movement (fly, jump, walk).
    3. Name the places children generally find birds.
    4. Match the birds with food they eat.
    5. Identify common birds based on description.
    6. State the reasons for keeping some common animals.
    7. Match the domestic/pet animals with the food they eat.
  3. Family and Friends (Chapters-4,21 & 22)
    1. Recognize the relationship between the members of their family.
    2. State the roles of different family members.
    3. Make their family tree.
    4. Recognize the similarity between family members.
    5. Become aware that older people may not be able to hear or see well.
  4. Food (Chapters-6, 10 & 14)
    1. Identify the food items made from rice and wheat.
    2. Realize that all persons do not eat the same kind of food.
    3. Name the common utensils and devices used in the kitchen.
    4. List food items prepared by different methods of cooking.
    5. Classify food items on the basis of their source.
    6. Match plants with their edible parts.
  5. Shelter (Chapters-5 & 18)
    1. Understand the need for a house or shelter.
    2. Identify the different parts of a house and the work done there.
    3. State how and when houses are decorated.
    4. Recognize the relationship between climate of a place and the features of the houses.
    5. Identify some unusual houses based on picture. Basic process of mapping.
  6. Things We Make and Work We Do (Chapters-12, 15 17 & 23)
    1. Recognize that cloth can made from different materials.
    2. Recognize the process of making pots from clay.
    3. Name some common occupations.
    4. Match the occupation with the place of work.
    5. Show awareness about working children.
    6. Realize that work can be inside or outside home.
  7. Travel and Communication (Chapters-7,11 & 13)
    1. Name different types of vehicles and their uses.
    2. State the use of some special vehicles (ambulance, tractor, mail van).
    3. State how children can help blind persons.
    4. Recognize that deaf and dumb people communicate with others through sign language.
    5. Understand the basic idea of Braille Script.
    6. Recognize the sequence of works done in a post office.
    7. Name the things that are sold in a post office.
  8. Games We Play (Chapter-16)
    1. Name some common games they play in groups and give the number of players in each.
    2. Name some famous players and the games they play.
    3. Recognize the articles used in games such as ball, bat etc.
  9. Water (Chapters-3,9 & 20)
    1. Name some sources and uses of water.
    2. Recognize the need for storing water and the containers used for storing water.
    3. State how we can conserve water while using it for different purposes.
    4. Recognize that rain as the main source of water.
    5. Share experiences related to rain such as clouds, rainbow, paper-boats etc.