Minimum Levels of Learning

Know Our Best Education

For Class IV


  • By the end of Class IV the students will be able to speak spontaneously, ask questions to clarify their doubts.
  • Describe a picture / incident with reasonable accuracy.
  • They will increase their ability to listen, observe and imagine; will develop adequate fluency in speaking with correct pronunciation.
  • Write simple Informal Letters and Notice.
  • They will also have a higher level knowledge of Parts of Speech.
  1. Nouns:- Kinds - Countable, Uncountable.
  2. Pronoun:- Personal Pronoun.
  3. Adjectives:- Use possessive( my/our etc) and Interrogative adjective (whose) adjective.
  4. Articles:- Use' A/ An / The' where necessary in a given sentence.
  5. Verb:- Being , Having, Doing.
  6. Tense:- 7 forms ; Negative and Interrogative (with 'Not' and Helping words.)
  7. Adverb:- Manner, Time , Place, Frequency.
  8. Preposition:- Place, Time.
  9. Conjunction:- And, But.
  10. Construct meaningful sentences with the given words and punctuate the sentence with Capital Letter, Full Stop, Comma and Question Mark as required.


कक्षा - चौथी न्यूनतम सीखने की क्षमता

  1. बच्चे अखबारों के संपादकीय पृष्ठ और पत्रिकाएँ बिना कठिनाई के पढ़ सके।
  2. किसी अवतरण अपठित गद्यांष को पढ़कर उसका अर्थ समझ सके एवं पूछे गए प्रष्नों का उत्तर दे सके।
  3. अपने विचारों और भावनाओं को स्पष्ट व्यवस्थित ढंग से प्रस्तुत कर सके।
  4. चित्रों के माध्यम से दिए गए विषय पर अपनी भावना अभिव्यक्त कर सके।
  5. संज्ञा- संज्ञा की पहचान व्यक्ति, वस्तु, स्थान आदि एवं उनके प्रकार व्यक्तिवाचक, जातिवाचक, भाववाचक, समूहवाचक, द्रव्यवाचक।
  6. लिंग- लिंग क्या है पुल्लिंग एवं स्त्रीलिंग शब्दों की पहचान कर सके।
  7. वचन- एकवचन, बहुवचन की पहचान एवं वचन परिवर्तन।
  8. सर्वनाम- संज्ञा के स्थान पर सर्वनाम का प्रयोग।
  9. विशेषण- विशेषण की पहचान एवं उसका प्रयोग।
  10. क्रिया- सकर्मक क्रिया एवं अकर्मक क्रिया।
  11. काल- वर्तमान काल, भूतकाल एवं भविष्यत् काल का प्रयोग।
  12. क्रिया विशेषण- क्रिया विशेषण की पहचान।
  13. संबंधबोधक- संबंधबोधक अव्यय क्या है।
  14. समुच्चयबोधक- समुच्चयबोधक अव्यय का प्रयोग।
  15. विस्मयादिबोधक- विस्मयादिबोधक शब्दों की पहचान एवं उनका प्रयोग।
  16. विलोम शब्द, पर्यायवाची शब्द, अनेक शब्दों के लिए एक शब्द।
  17. पत्र लेखन- औपचारिक एवं अनौपचारिक पत्र लेखन।
  18. विराम चिह्न- पूर्ण विराम अल्प विराम प्रष्नवाचक कोष्ठक योजक आदि का प्रयोग।
  19. मुहावरे, अनेकार्थक शब्द, श्रुतिसम भिन्नार्थक शब्द आदि का प्रयोग।


  1. Understanding Whole Numbers and Numerals:
    • Writes number names up to10,000.
    • Demonstrates understanding of place value of 4-digit numbers.
    • States the place value of the digits within a 4-digit numerals.
    • Arranges numbers in ascending & descending order.
    • Identifies the numerals before, after & between numerals.
    • Compares numbers from 1000-10,000 using the signs > , < , =.
    • Demonstrates understanding of multiplies and factors of a number.
    • Demonstrates understanding of prime numbers up to 100.
  2. Ability to Add, Subtract, Multiply and Divide Whole Numbers:
    • Adds 4-digit numbers with carrying.
    • Subtracts 4-digit numbers with borrowing.
    • Adds & Subtracts mentally two numbers that are whole 1000's.
    • Solve two step of daily life problems mentally involving addition subtraction (no carrying/borrowing).
    • Solves addition and subtraction daily life problems in different situation.
    • Understand various terms of multiplication.
    • Construct multiplication tables up to 15.
    • Multiplies 2 and 3 digit numbers by 2 digit with carrying and product.
    • Understand various terms of division.
    • Divides a number up to 3-digits by a number
    • Solves daily life problems involving any 2 of the 4 basic operations.
  3. Ability to use and solve simple problems of daily life relating to Units of -
    • Money:
      • Solves simple money problems with conversion using any 2 of the four operations.
      • Applies unitary method to buying and selling problems.
      • Solves mentally 1 step daily life a problem involving either rupees or paise using any of the four operations without conversion.
      • Solve simple problem of profit and loss.
    • Length:
      • Understanding of relationship between Kilometres and Metres.
      • Conversion of units.
      • Solves 1 steps daily life problems relating to standard unit of length involving conversion and only one of the four operations.
      • Measures length of objects or short distances in the immediate environment in metres and centimeters.
      • Estimates lengths of familiars objects and short distances.
    • Weight (Mass):
      • Convert kilogram into grams and vice-versa.
      • Solves 1 steps daily life problems related to mass involving conversion and only one of the four operations.
      • Determines sums and differences of weight.
    • Capacity:
      • Convert litres to mililitres and vice-versa.
      • Solves 1 steps daily life problems related to capacity involving conversion and only one of the four operations.
      • Estimates and compare small units of capacity in terms of non-standard measures.
      • Determines sums and differences of capacity.
    • Area:
      • Measures in non standard & standard units the perimeters of any surfaces or objects.
      • Apply the formula to calculate the area of rectangular shapes in the immediate environment.
      • Estimate and compare in standard and non standard units of surface areas.
    • Time:
      • Interprets a calendar. Number of days in a month and leap year.
      • Read a clock in hour and minutes.
      • Add hours and minutes with conversion.
      • Convert hours into minutes and vice-versa.
      • Express time, using the terms, 'a.m' & 'p.m'.
  4. Ability to use Fractions & Decimals:
    • Demonstrates understanding of the meaning of proper, improper, equivalent & mixed fractional numbers as parts of regions with the numerator and denominator.
    • Fractions with same numerator or same denominator.
    • Converts mixed numbers to improper fractions and vice-versa.
    • Adds and subtracts simple, proper fractions with same denominators.
    • Solve daily life problems involving comparing additions and subtractions of fractions with same denominator.
    • Convert fractions and mixed numbers to decimals & decimals to fractions and mixed numbers with value up to 2 decimals places.
  5. Understanding of Geometrical Shapes and Spatial Relationships:
    • Measures and draws line segments of specific lengths with the help of a rular.
    • Classifies and recognizes angles as right, obtuse and acute angles.
    • Draws angles of different measures with the help of protractor.
    • Read and draws 3-D objects.

By the end of class IV, the child will be familiar with different types of numbers (Prime, even and odd numbers). He/she will be well versed with the fractions and decimal numbers and their fundamental operations. He/she will have knowledge of unitary method and its importance in practical life. He/she will be aware with the measurement of length, weight and volume and with their units. He/she will be introduced with mathematical terms like perimeter and area and will be able to solve related problems.

Environmental Studies

The minimum learning level of the child at the end of the session are expected to be the following-

  1. Plants (Chapters-4,11 & 19)
    1. State how we can take care of the trees and plants around us.
    2. Identify some common flowers and state some uses of flowers.
    3. Observe and describe the features of some common plants in the environment.
    4. State how roots are important to plants.
    5. List some roots that can be eaten.
    6. Recognize that buds grow and finally bloom into flowers.
  2. Animals (Chapters-2,3,5 & 16)
    1. Classify animals on the basis of observable features such as presence or absence of body hair, external ear etc.
    2. Describe in their own words, food and activities of a herd of elephants in the wild.
    3. Name the different types of bees in a bee -hive and state their functions.
    4. State why and where birds make their nest.
    5. Name the materials they use to make their nest.
  3. Family and Friends (Chapters-12, 9 & 22)
    1. List the causes of changes in the families.
    2. Realize that sometimes the parents take decision for them.
    3. Show understanding of how decisions are taken in a family.
    4. Recognize that they learn many values from home.
  4. Food (Chapters-20, 21 & 25)
    1. Identify the vegetables that get spoiled easily.
    2. Name some occasions in which people eat together.
    3. Name some common spices.
    4. Identify teeth of animals eating different types of food.
  5. Shelter (Chapter-12&17)
    1. Point out the differences between houses in the villages and cities.
    2. List the materials used to build houses and recognize the problem of housing.
    3. Map a known area using some simple signs.
  6. Things We Make and the work we Do (Chapters-14,23 & 26)
    1. Name the materials and tools used for making a house.
    2. Name materials used for making different types of bridges.
    3. Name some jobs in which people wear special uniforms.
    4. Develop a desire to work hard to succeed in life.
    5. List various works related to growing crops in the field in the proper sequence.
  7. Travel and Communication (Chapters-1,6,7,8 & 24)
    1. Recognize the different modes of travel used by children to go to school
    2. Show their understanding of the words like , luggage, berths, coach etc
    3. Describe their experience of a train journey in their own words.
    4. Name some persons who work in train or station and state their roles
    5. Find out necessary details from a sample train ticket.
    6. Handle currency notes and coins with proper understanding of their values.
  8. Games We Play (Chapter-10)
    1. Name some common games children play and the things needed to play them.
    2. Recognize the need for negotiation in play.
    3. Become aware of gender difference in games.
  9. Water (Chapters-13& 18)
    1. State the causes of pollution of river water.
    2. Name some diseases caused due drinking polluted water.
    3. List some simple methods of purification of water.
    4. Become aware of the problem of scarcity of water.