Minimum Levels of Learning

Know Our Best Education

For Class VI


  • By the end of Class VI the students will be able to use the Dictionary effectively.
  • They will be able to read Beyond the Text and will be able to reproduce what they read in the form of a story /narration/ drama.
  • They will be able to narrate / report an incident to peers.
  • Speak accurately and clearly with pause and stress.
  • They will be able to write simple narrative and descriptive paragraphs; formal and informal letters and applications.
  • They will be able to use the grammar what they have learned in previous classes correctly while speaking and writing.
  1. Adjective:- Compound Adjective, Comparison
  2. Conjunction:- Because.
  3. Tense:- Present Perfect.
  4. Pronoun:- Reflective Pronoun.
  5. Model:- Must, should, ought to, used to, have to
  6. Noun:- Collective Noun.
  7. Phrasal Verb.
  8. Making opposite using suitable prefixes.
  9. Use of introducing words - there /it.
  10. Use of Determiners - some / any/a few/few.
  11. Use of Would and Could.


कक्षा - छठवी सीखने की न्यूनतम क्षमता

  1. निजी अनुभवों के आधार पर भाषा का सृजनशील इस्तेमाल कर सके।
  2. दृष्य और श्रव्य माध्यमों की सामग्रियों (बाल साहित्य, पत्र पत्रिकाएं, दूरदर्शन व कम्प्यूटर जनित कार्यक्रम, नाटक भाषण आदि) को पढ़कर देखकर और सुनकर समझने तथा उस पर स्वतंत्र व स्वाभाविक मौखिक एवं लिखित प्रतिक्रिया व्यक्त करने की क्षमता का विकास।
  3. सरसरी तौर पर पाठ को देखकर उसकी विषय वस्तु का पता कर उसमें किसी विशेष बिन्दु को खोजने के लिए एवं उसकी बारीकी से जाँच करने की क्षमता का विकास।
  4. शब्दकोष का प्रयोग कर जानकारी प्राप्त करना।
  5. संज्ञा- संज्ञा की पहचान व्यक्ति, वस्तु, स्थान आदि एवं उनके प्रकार व्यक्तिवाचक, जातिवाचक, भाववाचक, समूहवाचक, द्रव्यवाचक।
  6. लिंग- लिंग क्या है पुल्लिंग एवं स्त्रीलिंग शब्दों की पहचान कर सके।
  7. वचन- एकवचन, बहुवचन की पहचान एवं वचन परिवर्तन।
  8. सर्वनाम- संज्ञा के स्थान पर सर्वनाम का प्रयोग।
  9. विशेषण- विशेषण की पहचान एवं उसका प्रयोग।
  10. क्रिया- सकर्मक क्रिया एवं अकर्मक क्रिया।
  11. काल- वर्तमान काल, भूतकाल एवं भविष्यत् काल का प्रयोग।
  12. क्रिया विशेषण- क्रिया विशेषण की पहचान।
  13. संबंधबोधक- संबंधबोधक अव्यय क्या है।
  14. समुच्चयबोधक- समुच्चयबोधक अव्यय का प्रयोग।
  15. विस्मयादिबोधक- विस्मयादिबोधक शब्दों की पहचान एवं उनका प्रयोग।
  16. विलोम शब्द, पर्यायवाची शब्द, अनेक शब्दों के लिए एक शब्द।
  17. पत्र एवं निबंध लेखन- औपचारिक एवं अनौपचारिक पत्र लेखन एवं निबंध लेखन।
  18. विराम चिह्न- पूर्ण विराम, अल्प विराम, प्रष्नवाचक, कोष्ठक, योजक विस्मयादिबोधक, हंसपद ,उद्धरण, लाघव चिह्न आदि का प्रयोग।
  19. मुहावरे, लोकोक्तियों, अनेकार्थक षब्द,श्रुतिसम भिन्नार्थक षब्दों का प्रयोग।


The expected minimum level of learning is organized under 7 themes as shown below.

  1. Food (Chapters-1,2 & 5*)
    • Recognizes the variation in the food habits in different regions of India.
    • Identify the source of common food items.
    • Understand the concepts of herbivores, carnivores and omnivores and classify common animals into these categories.
    • Understand the processes such as threshing, winnowing, hand picking in the processing and preparation of different food items.
    • Name the major nutrients of food and their sources.
    • Recognize the importance of various nutrients for good health.
    • Understand the basic concept of balanced diet and deficiency diseases.
  2. Materials (Chapters-3,4,5* & 6)
    • Recognize different types of clothing materials.
    • Identify the basic materials for making clothes.
    • Identify fibres from plants and list the conditions required for the cultivation of these plants.
    • Understand the basic processes involved in making cloth.
    • Distinguish between objects and materials from which they are made.
    • List some common properties of materials on the basis of which they can be classified.
    • Classify substances as- soluble/insoluble, sinking/floating etc.
    • Understand the utility of grouping of materials.
    • Understand the common methods of separation such as filtration, sedimentation and decantation.
    • Choose a suitable method of separation based on the properties of the components.
    • Understand the relationship between change in temperature and solubility.
    • Recognize the common changes around us and classify them as reversible and irreversible.
    • Recognize heating as common method changing substances.
  3. The world of Living( Chapters-7,8* & 9)
    • Understand the common characteristics of living things.
    • Understand the general structure and functions of basic plant parts such as roots, stem and leaves.
    • Recognize variation in stem, root and leaves of common plants.
    • Understand the basic structure of some common flowers.
    • Classify common plants into categories such as- trees, shrubs, herbs, creepers, and climbers.
    • Develop a basic understanding of the concept such as organism and habitat.
    • Identify the biotic and abiotic components of the environment.
    • Recognize the different types of habitats and understand the characteristics of each.
    • Understand how some animals are adapted to different habitats.
    • Develop a basic idea of life processes such as excretion, reproduction and respiration.
    • Understand the basic organization of the human skeleton and its function.
    • Identify the major parts of the skeleton and its role in movement of the body.
    • Understand the structural features of some common animals that enable them to move.
  4. Moving Things-people and ideas (Chapter- 8 *,10)
    • Identify the moving objects from the surroundings.
    • Recognize different types of motion- rectilinear, circular and periodic.
    • Understand the need to measure distance and standard units of measurements.
    • Form a basic idea about the magnitude of units such as centimetre, metre and Kilometre.
  5. How Things Work(Chapters-12 & 13)
    • Formalize the basic idea of electric current.
    • Recognize an electric cell as source of current and identify its terminals.
    • Understand a simple circuit consists of a cell, battery and a switch.
    • Develop the basic idea of insulators and conductors.
    • Devise a simple experiment to test if an object is conductor or insulator.
    • Recognize the poles of a magnets and properties of magnets.
    • Understand the nature of interaction between magnets
    • Understand use of magnets to find direction.
  6. Natural Phenomena (chapter-11& 14*)
    • Understand the formation of shadows.
    • Recognize transparent, translucent and opaque objects.
    • Understand the working of a pinhole camera.
    • Understand the concept of reflection and image formation.
    • Understand the basic processes of water cycle.
    • Recognize the impact of excessive and deficient rainfall.
  7. Natural resources (14*,15 & 16)
    • Understand the role of rain in replenishing rivers, lakes etc.
    • Recognize water as resource essential for life.
    • Become aware that usable water on the earth is limited and realize the need to conserve it.
    • Understand the concept and importance of rain water harvesting.
    • Recognize the fact that air is everywhere but its presence is felt only when it moves.
    • Understand that air is present in water and soil.
    • Identify the major components of air and their importance.
    • Develop a basic concept of atmosphere and its exchange of gases with plants and animals.
    • Become aware of the need to handle garbage or waste carefully.
    • Classify garbage as decomposable and non-decomposable.
    • Understand the basic processes of vermicomposting and its importance in managing garbage.
    • Become aware of the need for safe handling of plastic.
    • Understand the need to reuse and recycle materials.

*Content of the chapter covers more than one thematic area.

Social Science - History

  1. When, Where and How?(Chapter-1)
    • The students will acquire basic knowledge of our past, geographical terms used during the time frame and the sources used to reconstruct history.
    • They will have the knowledge about the life of early men and the archaeological evidence that contribute to the study of the past.
    • They will be able to appreciate the diversity of early domestication, stable settlement and traditions.
    • They will have understanding of the social context of Vedas and Upanishads; urbanization-towns, capitals, religious centers etc.
    • They will be able to appreciate the importance of manuscripts, coins, pottery, toys etc. in the study of the past.
    • They will have an idea of calculation of time (Before and After Christ).
  2. Earliest Societies. (Chapters- 2, 3, 4 & 5)
    • Knowledge about why the early men settled near the source of water, their hunting and food gathering skill, the tools and weapons used by them.
    • Understand and appreciate the need for domestication of animals and crops, the variety of crops they cultivated and the animals they reared.
    • They will be able to recognize the need for a settled life, the origin of art and craft, gradual beginning of city life.
    • They will have the understanding of the different kinds of houses and pottery of the Harappan people.
    • They will have an understanding of the Vedas and Upanishads which reflects the real life of people.
    • They develop a love and respect for the nature.
  3. Earliest Empires. (Chapters-6,7,8,9 10,11)
    • They will be able to distinguish between conditions of the ruler and the ruled, the origin of varna system, kingdoms and early republics.
    • They will be able to explain the use of coin and its role in the past.
    • They will have a brief knowledge about the Period of Ashoka the Great.
    • They will be able to recognize the earlier Dynasties in the map of India.
  4. Cultural heritage. (Chapters-12)
    • They will develop an appreciation for the cultural heritage and spiritual richness of our country.


  1. Earth and solar system (Chapters-1)
    • The students will be able to appreciate the position of Earth in the Solar System and its uniqueness.
    • They will have basic knowledge of heavenly bodies.
  2. Globe and Maps (Chapters-2, 3 & 4)
    • They will recognize globe as the representation of earth, its two motions and the effects.
    • They understand the two type’s motion of the earth and their effects.
    • They will develop the basic skill of map reading.
    • They understand the concepts of latitudes and longitudes.
  3. Four Reams of the Earth (Chapters-5)
    • They will have the basic understanding of the four realms of the earth;
    • They understand the concepts of continents and oceans in geographical context.
  4. Relief Features of the Earth (Chapters-6)
    • They will be able to understand the diversity of major land forms of the earth.
    • They will be able to list the main features of different land forms.
  5. Physiographical divisions of India (Chapters-7 & 8)
    • Students will have the basic knowledge about the Physiographic divisions of India; t
    • Understand the influence of land, climate, vegetation and wildlife on human life.
    • They will appreciate the need to conserve vegetation and wild life.

Social and Political life (Civics)

  1. Diversity (Cha-1 & 2)
    • The students will be able to understand and appreciate various forms of diversity in their everyday environments.
    • They will demonstrate sensitivity towards pluralism and interdependence.
    • They will understand the difference between diversity and inequality.
    • They will be able to recognize that there are multiple identities within us.
    • They will understand the need to respect diversity.
  2. Government (Cha-3 & 4)
    • Students will understand the need for a government.
    • They will understand concept of universal adult franchise.
    • They will understand the different types of governments that exist in our country.
    • They will recognize the elements that influence the smooth functioning of democracy.
    • They will understand the need for people’s active participation in government.
  3. Local Government (Cha-5,6 & 7)
    • The students will be able to recognize the government at grass-root level (Panchayati Raj) and its importance.
    • They will have basic understanding of local administration.
  4. Making a Living (Cha-8 & 9)
    • They will understand how people (rural and urban) make their living, the conditions that contribute to the making of it.
    • They will also understand how the society influences the life of people.


  1. Number System:
    • Knowing our Numbers:
      • Sense of numbers more than 5-digit.
      • Estimation of numbers.
      • Identifying smaller, larger number & place value.
      • Use of symbols =, <, > and use of brackets.
      • Word problems on number operations.
      • Estimation of outcome of number operations.
      • Large number up to 8 digits.
      • Roman numerals.
    • Playing with Numbers:
      • Simplification of brackets.
      • Multiples and factors.
      • Divisibility rules of 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, 10, 11.
      • Even/odd and prime/composite numbers, Co-prime numbers.
      • Product of prime factors.
      • HCF & LCM, Prime factorization and division method.
      • The property LCM × HCF = product of two numbers.
    • Whole numbers:
      • Natural and whole numbers.
      • Properties of numbers.
      • Number line, Seeing patterns.
    • Numbers and Integers:
      • How negative numbers arise and models of -ve numbers.
      • Connection to daily life & ordering of -ve numbers.
      • Representation of negative numbers on number line.
      • Identification of integers on the number line.
      • Operation of addition and subtraction of integers.
      • Showing the operations on the number line.
      • Comparison and ordering of integers.
    • Fractions:
      • Fraction as a part of whole.
      • Representation of fractions.
      • Types of fractions, addition & subtraction of fractions.
    • Decimal:
      • The idea of decimal fraction.
      • Place value in the context of decimal fraction.
      • Inter conversion of fractions and decimal fraction.
      • Word problems involving addition and subtraction of decimals.
  2. Algebra
    • Introduction to variable through patterns and through appropriate word problems & generalizations.
    • Generate such patterns with examples.
    • Introduction to unknowns through examples with simple context.
  3. Ratio and Proportion
    • Concept of Ratio.
    • Proportion as equality of two ratios.
    • Unitary method.
    • Word problems.
  4. Geometry
      • Introduction and link experience in everyday experience.
      • Line, line segment, ray, open & closed figures, Interior & Exterior of closed figures.
      • Curvilinear and linear boundaries.
      • Parts of angle, triangle, quadrilateral and circle.
      • Measure of line segment and angles.
      • Pair of intersecting, perpendicular and parallel lines.
      • Types of angles, quadrilaterals and simple polygons.
      • Identification of 3-D shapes and locating in the surroundings.
      • Faces, Edges and vertices of 3-D figures.
      • Observation and identification of 2-D symmetrical objects for reflection symmetry.
      • Operation of reflection of simple 2-D objects.
      • Recognising reflection symmetry.
    • CONSTRUCTION (using scale, protractor, compasses)
      • Drawing a line segment.
      • Construction of angles using protractor and compass.
      • Construction of circle.
      • Perpendicular bisector and angle bisector.
      • Angle equal to a given angle.
      • Drawing a line perpendicular to a given line.
  5. Mensuration
    • Concept of perimeter and area.
    • Area of a rectangle and square.
    • Perimeter of a rectangle and square.
    • Deducing the formula of the perimeter and area.
  6. Data Handling
    • What is data?
    • Collection and organization of data.
    • Pictograph.
    • Making bar graphs for given data interpreting bar graph.