v Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan's R. K. Sarda Vidya Mandir, Raipur Chattisgarh

Minimum Levels of Learning

Know Our Best Education

For Class II


The minimum learning level of the child at the end of the session are expected to be the following-

At the end of the session, learner should be able to:-

  1. Talk about themselves, family, school and people in their surroundings.
    1. Lesson related:- Unit 1 : "FIRST DAY AT THE SCHOOL" & "HALDI'S ADVENTURE"
    2. Objectives:- Focuses on encouraging the child to talk about familiar things like friends and family and at the same time introducing the experience of school to build familiarity with the language.
  2. Is able to recognize whole words/ phrase/ sentences.
    1. Can form simple sentences from the given word.
    2. Must be able to answer single word questions/answers.
      1. Lessons related:- Unit 2 - "I WANT" & Unit 4 - "STORM IN THE GARDEN"
      2. Objectives:- The lessons focuses to develop the reading and encourage the child to come up with the answers of the questions related to the lesson.
      3. Activities:- The activities like cross word fun and Let's talk helps the child to form words and sentences.
  3. Must be able to read any simple passage with pauses and punctuations.
    1. Lessons related:- Unit 5 - "FUNNY BUNNY", Unit 6 - "Curlylocks and the three bears" Unit 7- "MAKE IT SHORTER" & Unit 8- "THE MUMBAI MUSICIANS".
    2. OBJECTIVES:- To develop the confidence in reading with proper punctuations and pauses.
  4. Must be able to follow simple instructions, request, questions and uses expressions appropriately.
  5. Child must be able to recognize and identify naming words, doing words and describing words from simple sentences.
    1. Lesson related:- From the IMPACT GRAMMAR book.
  6. Child must be able to make a story in their own words by looking at the picture story.
    1. Lesson related:- Unit 9 - "GRANNY PLEASE COMB MY HAIR"
    2. Objectives:- To familiarize the child with the basic process of writing with the help of pictures.
    3. Activities:- Picture story of the talkative tortoise and the rabbits and tiger
  7. To recite and sing poems and rhymes.


कक्षा-दूसरी सीखने की न्यूनतम क्षमता

  1. बच्चा किसी भी अवतरण, कहानी, अपठित गद्यांश को पढ़कर उसका अर्थ समझ सके।
  2. छोटे छोटे शब्दों को सही उच्चारण के साथ पढ़ सके,एक दूसरे के साथ सही रूप से वार्तालाप कर सके। अपने मन की भावना सही ढंग से दूसरे को बता सके।
  3. संज्ञा-संज्ञा में व्यक्ति, वस्तु, स्थान के नाम पहचान सके।
  4. सर्वनाम- सर्वनाम शब्दों की पहचान एवं संज्ञा के बदले सर्वनाम का प्रयोग।
  5. वचन- एकवचन एवं बहुवचन का ज्ञान एवं उनका प्रयोग।
  6. लिंग- स्त्रीलिंग एवं पुल्लिंग की पहचान एवं उनका परिवर्तन।
  7. विशेषण- विशेषण की पहचान कर सके।
  8. क्रिया- क्रिया शब्दों को पहचान सके।
  9. विलोम शब्द- छोटे एवं सरल शब्दों का विलोम शब्द बता सके।


The minimum learning level of the child at the end of the session are expected to be the following

  1. Numbers
    OBJECTIVES:- To encourage the children to look at the arrangement of different objects and use the strategy of counting in groups.
    1. Child must read and write numbers up to 999.
    2. Use the concept of place value in the comparison of numbers.
    3. Count in various ways.
      1. Starting from any number.
      2. Group counting.
  2. Addition and subtraction
    1. Adds and subtracts 3 digit numbers
    2. The child must be able to describe orally the situations that correspond to the given addition & subtraction facts.
  3. Multiplication and Division
    LESSON 4&5
    1. Activities of making/ dividing equal groups.
    2. Identifies the sign of multiplication
    3. Constructing the tables from 2to10
  4. Mental Arithmetic
    1. Adds and subtracts single digits numbers mentally.
    2. Adds and subtracts multiple of tens mentally.
  5. Money
    1. Identify currency - notes and coins.
    2. Adds and subtracts small amounts of money mentally.
    3. ACTIVITY:- Make a bill of the lunch taken seeing the price of items on the board
  6. Time
    LESSIN - 9
    1. Must know the names of days of the week and names of months of a year.
    2. Watch and tell the time in hours and half past.
  7. Measurement
    1. Must be able to measure short distances in non- standard units.
    2. Must be able to compare two or more objects by their weight.
    3. Can compare and order containers in terms of capacity.
    4. ACTIVITY:- to find the distance between-
      1. The door or any window of your class.
      2. The blackboard and where you are sitting.
      3. To measure how many glasses of water can fill your water bottle.
  8. Patterns
    1. OBJECTIVES:- To encourage the child to identify and differentiate different patterns.
    2. The child must be able to recognize and extend patterns.
    3. Search for patterns in different ways of splitting a number.
    4. ACTIVITY:- Creates block patterns by stamping thumb prints, leaf prints and vegetable prints.

General Awareness

The minimum learning level of the child at the end of the session are expected to be the following-

  1. Environmental awareness
    1. PLANTS (LESSON 1&2)
      1. The child must be able to categorize the various types of plants.
      2. Need of plants and trees for environment.
      3. Uses of plants and plant products.
      4. ACTIVITY: - Collect 5 different types of leaves. Stick them in the note book.
    2. ANIMALS (LESSON 3&4)
      1. Differentiating the animals into wild and domestic.
      2. Their homes and eating habits.
      3. How they are useful to us
  2. HOUSES / SHELTER and SAFETY (lesson 7 & 8)
    1. Must understand why we need houses.
    2. Must be able to identify Different Types of houses.
    3. Must be able to identify the different rooms at its use in a house.
    4. Following the traffic rules.
    5. Care and precautions taken while playing on ground.
    6. Safety measures taken while driving and at home
  3. SPACE (LESSON 9, 10, 11, 12)
    1. Must be able to tell about air and its uses.
    2. Should identify winds, storm.
    3. Should know the sources of water
    4. Must be able to speak about the needs and uses of water in our day to day life.
    1. Must be able to identify the different means of transport.
    2. must be able to identify the fastest and slowest means of transport.
    3. Needs of vehicles in our life.
    4. ACTIVITY: - Collect from the papers and magazines the cuttings of different means of transport dividing as means of land /water/air transport.
    1. The must be able identify different parts of the body.
    2. must know why we need bones and muscles in our body.
    3. must differentiate different types of food.
    4. The child must understand the needs of food and eating healthy food.