Late Shri Ram Kishore Sarda, Industrialist, Philanthropist and educational visionary, believed a great school is one in which children come willingly because learning is joyful and a fun–filled process, and which tries to develop both sides of the brain in an integrated manner through an optimum mix of academics and activities. Affordability and quality should be the twin pillars and values must be the spiral around which our schooling should be based. The school should cater to the diverse learning needs of the pupils by catering to their different senses and learning styles. It must use the maximum integration of technology to disseminate knowledge and make schooling an inimitable experience. With its team of qualified, energetic, efficient and vibrant staff, the school should endeavor to ensure that every child walking out of school is a wholistic personality imbibed with indian values and high degree of adaptability, who will contribute to catapulting India into the league of superpowers.